Stacy's FUNdraiser for F&F

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Faith and Fostering
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Funds raised directly support young adults enrolled in the Faith and Fostering program.


raised by 1 people

$500 goal

Faith and Fostering serves young adults from various walks of life. Below is a short testimony from a young lady currently in Faith and Fostering and how God is ministering to her through His people. All funds raised through Give for Good will directly benefit young adults being served through Faith and Fostering!

"My name is Haley, and I want to share a little about myself. I grew up in a low-poverty household with a mom that was physically there but not really there. Due to my situation, I dropped out of school and fell into the only thing I knew – the streets. This is where I stayed my entire childhood and teen life. I grew up around drugs and even began using drugs at the age of 8. I fell into the wrong crowd, which forced me into sex trafficking, where I was trapped for 4 years. At one point, I was even kidnapped and held in a pop-up camper for 4 weeks. I will never get these years back. BUT NOW, I am in Faith and Fostering. Faith and Fostering has helped me rebuild my life, a life that was taken. I am in the process of restoration. I would like to add that I am also a proud mother to the most wonderful 22-month-old son, Nathaniel Chance, and we are on this journey together!

While trapped, I fell into a toxic relationship with my child’s father. I got to a place that I really wanted out and prayed to God. He showed me that He was listening and gave me a way out to save my baby. I landed in a hospital for a couple of days, which started my salvation process. This led to me being placed in a program called Purchased: Not for Sale. Here, I was safe and began getting sober. Then, I moved to Heart of Hope, where I learned to be a mother and started my education. I began to heal from my past and had house parents who treated me like their own. Heart of Hope told me about Faith and Fostering. I transitioned into Faith and Fostering after I delivered Chance, and I have been here for 2 years now. I have reached a place where I am no longer just surviving. I am truly in a place of thriving! 

This is the safest place I have ever been in my whole life. I don’t have to move every week, I don’t have to depend on a stranger that I met that day, and I get to shower EVERYDAY! When I first entered Faith and Fostering, it was not easy, and it was different for me. There were rules set into place, but they kept me and Chance safe. Unlike everyone in my past, Faith and Fostering has stuck by my side and have given me second chances. I have made relationships with people that will be in my life forever. They have become moms, aunts, friends, mentors, and even grandmothers to my son. These people are genuine as they help you ease off your past life and build a new foundation.  

I am proud to share that while in Faith and Fostering, I have accomplished much! I am currently in college working on an accounting degree, working in an amazing accounting firm, just bought my first car, and saving for a house. This is possible because of Faith and Fostering and everyone involved!


Thank you for EVERYTHING,

Haley and Chance Spears

Faith and Fostering Resident"

Giving Activity


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