SLTA Scholarships

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Shreveport Little Theatre & Academy
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Empowering talent, fostering community, and removing financial barriers for young actors


raised by 0 people

$5,000 goal

Shreveport Little Theatre & Academy (SLTA) scholarships embody our mission to provide exceptional performing arts instruction and support the highest caliber of theater productions while fostering a diverse and inclusive community. At SLTA, we recognize the immense potential of young actors and believe that every individual should have the opportunity to explore and develop their talents regardless of financial constraints.

Our scholarships aim to remove barriers and empower students to participate in Academy productions, ensuring that no talent goes untapped due to economic limitations. We understand that the journey of self-discovery and growth is as important as the final performance itself. While we demand excellence from our actors, we also prioritize their personal development and celebrate their individual contributions to the larger community.

Through SLTA scholarships, we inspire students to communicate, collaborate, create, and celebrate their journey as performers and individuals. By providing financial assistance, we enable young actors to engage fully in the transformative power of theater, fostering a supportive environment where talent thrives and every voice is heard. Join us in nurturing the next generation of storytellers and performers, where the spotlight shines bright on both their artistic achievements and personal growth.

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